An introduction to our CEO, Dr. Merel Boers

March 7, 2021
By Brenda Dubois

Inspiring entrepreneur and innovative researcher: Dr. Merel Boers is co-founder and CEO of Nicolab.

Dr. Merel Boers, CEO of Nicolab, co-founded the company in 2015 following the groundbreaking MR CLEAN trial, the first Randomized Clinical Trial that proved the benefit of Endovascular Treatment, which led to a paradigm shift in acute stroke care and triaging.

Merel is an ambitious and inspiring entrepreneur as well as an innovative researcher. At a very young age, Merel is driving Nicolab to internationalization and great success.

Merel gained a considerable amount of knowledge through her PhD in stroke imaging that led her to achieve one of the highest honors, summa cum laude, in her research at the University of Twente.
During her PhD working at the Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Merel and her research colleague, Renan Sales-Barros (co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Nicolab), identified the opportunity and need to improve care for such a time critical disease.


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